
Things Happen!

Things happen. A few weeks back I blogged that I was cancelling my Vimeo account and taking my videos elsewhere.  Well that didn't happen because I was unable to figure out how to cancel my account, before it auto renewed and to make matters worse it auto renewed two days before the expiration date, which created a TON of headaches on my end.

So, I have lowered the price of my video series, and will leave it at this price until the end of November at which time I plan to take it out of circulation and will replace it with a new video series.

Surface Design with Natural Dyes Series 
RENT $9.95 or BUY $34.95 it today!!! 

Mark Making with Nature Video Series

Mark Making with Nature Video Series

There have been a lot of changes in the past year, I took down my academy, and in 15 days I will be taking down my Mark Making with Nature Video Series.  I need to find a new  host for my video series as I'm not overly happy with Vimeo.  I'm also thinking of redoing the entire video.

So here is your last chance to own this particular video series, to learn how to screen print fabrics with natural dyes, and much, much more!

Mark Making with Nature Video Series

Mark Making with Nature Video Series
Beyond the Ordinary in Surface Design

Digital Video Series 

This video series is available as a digital download from!

Part One:
  • Getting Started
  • Painting with Natural Dyes & Gutta Resists
  • Creating a mono chromatic painting with Natural Dyes
  • Bound Resist

Part Two:
  • Other Resists, using tape as a resist, etc.
  • Monoprinting with objects.
  • Screen printing with Natural Dyes
  • Stamping and More with Natural Dyes

Part Three:
  • Bundle and/or Compost Dyeing
  • Other Bundle Dyeing techniques
  • Mixing Surface Design Techniques (painting, resists, etc.,) to achieve gorgeous cloth!

Part Four:
  • Making the Gum Tragacanth Binder
  • Using textured brayers to make marks on the cloth
  • Screen Printing using resists and non traditional techniques (a variation on deconstructed screen printing)

  • Monoprinting with found vegetation such as grasses and leaves.

Introductory Sale Mark Making with Nature Ends January 31st!!!

Introductory Price 
(Ends January 31st)

Mark Making with Nature Video Series
Own $39.95 or Rent $19.95 

Click here to learn more!!!

Tired of your fabric looking like everyone else's?  In this video series I will teach you how to push the limits using natural dyes and traditional surface design techniques!

Introductory Price Mark Making with Nature Video Series

Introductory Price 
(Ends January 31st)

Mark Making with Nature Video Series
Own $39.95 or Rent $19.95 

Click here to learn more!!!

Tired of your fabric looking like everyone else's?  In this video series I will teach you how to push the limits using natural dyes and traditional surface design techniques!

Tonight's Live Stream

Earth pigments mixed with soy milk binder.

Live Stream Event I will be painting fabrics using earth pigments this evening, and also demo'ing how to use the earth pigments with stencils.  I will be using my own design Black Birds in Trees as well as several other artists designs.  If all goes well I may add some mica flakes to the fabric as well.

I love this Mayan blue pigment! 

Raw Sienna and Raw Umber

I streamed tonight, such as it was... I say that because the audio kept dropping.  I will be streaming tomorrow evening from another site and hopefully that will work out.  Until then I posted in the Natural Surface Forum on the fruit fermentation reduction vat and about the earth pigments above.

Fruit Fermentation Vat and Live Streaming

Attempted my first ever fruit fermentation vat this evening, notes about this are over in the Natural Surface forum, I liked it a LOT!  I streamed this session but was having a lot of issues with Ustream, so I will be streaming again tomorrow evening and from Google/YouTube Live instead of Ustream.  I will post a link tomorrow for the stream location.

I also worked with some earth pigments in this stream, it's recorded but will say I'm not sure how much of the recording has audio. 

I'm off to spend some quality time with hubs and my favorite pooch Angel.  See y'all tomorrow evening!

The New Book and an eBook Sale!!!

The cat is out of the bag and yes I really am working on a new Natural Dyeing eBook!  I've been asked what to expect, well I won't say what the topic is exactly there will be, however, plenty of bells and whistles for those of you using smart tablets!  Interactive video, apps, and the like, see I've been a busy gal the past few months and I've got to say it's very hard keeping what I've been doing secret!!!

I'm hoping the big reveal will be sometime around Valentines Day 2013 so until then here's a Christmas Holiday sale for my existing eBooks!

All eBooks $3.99
Click here for the eBooks!

Mark Making with Nature DVD - Back in Stock!!!

Mark Making with Nature DVD - Now back in Stock!
By Surface Designer Kimberly Baxter Packwood
Over 2 hours of Video Instruction (5 Discs) & 53 Pages of Supplemental Instruction Included(PDF)
Everything you ever wanted to know to create unique cloth using natural dyes is covered in thisDVD Set, an excellent companion to the Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Technqiues Book.

Topics Covered Include:
  • Compost Dyeing: Several methods of compost dyeing are demonstrated.
  • Screen Printing with natural dyes, using thickeners and more.
  • Bound Resists with natural dyes how to obtain rich layers of color on fabric. Monoprinting & Stamping with natural dyes.
  • Create additional depth and design to your fabrics by stamping and printing them using natural dyes and pigments.
  • Dye Painting with natural dyes using thickeners, gutta resists, and much much more. Pigments: using pigments with natural dyes to create additional character to your art cloth.
Included is a 51 PDF booklet (this booklet is on a CDROM which you can then print out) that includes additional images and details on how to obtain gorgeous art cloth using natural dyes.

Mark Making with Nature DVD - Now in Stock!!!

Mark Making with Nature DVD - Now back in Stock!
By Surface Designer Kimberly Baxter Packwood
Over 2 hours of Video Instruction (5 Discs) & 53 Pages of Supplemental Instruction Included(PDF)
Everything you ever wanted to know to create unique cloth using natural dyes is covered in thisDVD Set, an excellent companion to the Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Technqiues Book.

Topics Covered Include:
  • Compost Dyeing: Several methods of compost dyeing are demonstrated.
  • Screen Printing with natural dyes, using thickeners and more.
  • Bound Resists with natural dyes how to obtain rich layers of color on fabric. Monoprinting & Stamping with natural dyes.
  • Create additional depth and design to your fabrics by stamping and printing them using natural dyes and pigments.
  • Dye Painting with natural dyes using thickeners, gutta resists, and much much more. Pigments: using pigments with natural dyes to create additional character to your art cloth.
  • Included is a 51 PDF booklet (this booklet is on a CDROM which you can then print out) that includes additional images and details on how to obtain gorgeous art cloth using natural dyes.