Field Notes at the Blanden
Quilted Expressions at the Blanden
Colors of the Earth Self Paced Class!
Learn how to create beautiful fabrics using earth pigments, clays, ochres, charcoal, and much more!
Click here to learn more!
Fields No. 37
Earth pigments, clay, ochre, charcoal, conte, pastels, and graphite on cotton fabric.
Machine stitched.
All Things End, Eventually!
Field Notes #'s 1-36 ready for their edges to be bound and then mounted to their stretched canvas frames. Each piece is 6x6 inches.
So why am I having such a hard time getting there? Excellent question. And I finally decided it's because I don't want this particular project to end.
Which is odd because the whole time I've been working on this project I've been chomping at the bit to start the next state of my Fields Series!
Anyway, I'm off to stitch their tiny edges, and get started on attaching the hanging hardware to the frames.
Mixed Media with Pigments Live Stream!
I will be hosting a mixed media with earth pigments live stream tomorrow evening on Facebook!!!
Join me as I experiment with earth pigments, and more.
January 3rd, 7pm CST
Registration NOW OPEN for Earth and Sky From Sketch to Stitch
Earth and Sky: From Sketch to Stitch
A Mini Master Class click here to learn more!
Earth and Sky is an Eight Week Mini Master Class divided into 2 Four Week modules with a One Week break in between the two modules.
Module 1: Sketch, Draw, Paint, Surface Design
Break Week
Module 2: Sketch, Surface Design, Stitch, Embellish
Class begins April 15th!
Lifetime Access to the Clas
NOTE: Because of the intensity of this class I am limiting the number of spaces available to 20!!!
From Sketch to Stitch
My Aurifil thread color palette for my latest series "Field Notes"
Field Notes was born out of several loves, passions of mine:
The love of the prairie.
The love of crops as they rise out of the ground each year.
The love of the symmetry and simplicity of how the fields themselves are arranged in the countryside.
Field Notes in progress on my table.
Some color studies.
Watercolor crayons, water soluble oil pastels, and water soluble graphite on sketchbook paper.
Field Series Update
My thread order came today. If you've been following me on Facebook then you know there's been a lot of drama lately with my trying to obtain a rather allusive Aurifil Thread color #2612 aka arctic ice.
Well that was through Amazon.
Three spools of the wrong color later I put out a plea on Facebook begging to know everyone's favorite place to buy Aurifil Thread. Follow That Thread came up, repeatedly. So late Sunday night I put together my order, which included the much desired #2612, and it arrived today.
And the much desired color is quite desirable!!! It IS the perfect sky color!
#2612 is second from the left and it matches my earth pigment painted fabrics and perfectly!
Six pieces almost stitched, thirty left to go.
ReVamping My Look
I've been working on my newsletter, creating templates, welcome and thank you pages, and pages where I offer freebies just for subscribing to my newsletter! Today I created a new banner for the template I created...
Biography: I am a Mixed Media Fiber Artist living in a small rural community in the heart of the Prairie!
My passion is using the colors found in nature all around me to color my cloth, papers, and bending the rules with stitch.
Please join me in my community, Almost Stitched, on Facebook, I would love to see how you interpret the world around you through found color and stitch!
It's Been Awhile
So begins a new series I've titled "Fields". So far the goal is 18 large pieces and 12 small pieces. I'm using earth pigments, charcoal, conte, and mixed media pm cotton and silk fabrics this time around with machine stitching as the finishing touch.
I've been dragging my feet to start on this series, as it is the first series where I won't be using natural dyes. Fabric painting begins tonight. Photos coming soon.
Autumn is Finally Here!
I love Autumn, I truly do. The lack of humidity, the cool crisp air, fresh apples, and pumpkins everywhere, and most importantly my allergies are starting to calm down.
The part I love the most, however, is the colors of the leaves. Reds, golds, oranges, and brilliant yellows, and everywhere!
So it's no surprise that I created art cloth show casing these colors in my Colors of the Earth and Pretty Pigments online classes.
If you'd like to capture the beauty of nature's natural palette using natural earth pigments then join me in my newest class Colors of the Earth. Class starts on October 17th!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Registration Ends Tomorrow!!!
Registration Ends Tomorrow!
This session includes a special Bonus Session called Getting Started. Once this session of Pretty Pigments has finished I will not be offering this special bonus offering again.
The Bonus Session will become it's OWN class starting in October.
Register for Pretty Pigments TODAY, you will be getting TWO of my classes for the price of ONE!!!
When you Register TODAY for this Session of Pretty Pigments you will have lifetime access to TWO of my classes!
The Bonus Session will become it's OWN class starting in October.
Register for Pretty Pigments TODAY, you will be getting TWO of my classes for the price of ONE!!!
When you Register TODAY for this Session of Pretty Pigments you will have lifetime access to TWO of my classes!
WIP - Starry Swallows
Just 10 Days!!!
Join me as we explore the Earth's natural beauty in Pretty Pigments!!!!
Class begins September 6th!
Register Today to receive the Getting Started Bonus Content!
Rust and Clay Dyeing eBook Give Away!!!
Getting Started Bonus Starts August 15th!!!
I'm so excited! Pretty Pigments Classroom Officially Opens on August 15th!!!
To Celebrate I'm offering a 15% Discount for Pretty Pigments through August 15th!
Starting August 15th Students will have access to the Getting Started withPretty Pigments Bonus Content.
Learn how to make soy milk and pigment emulsions
Learn how to make the wax and pigment emulsions
Learn the basics of fabric prep for painting and paper with pigments
Learn the basics of painting fabric and paper with pigments
Learn how to properly cure, wash, and care for your fabrics and papers that have been painted with pigments.
How to source clays, ochers, and pigments from your local environment.
And this is just a few of the things you will learn BEFORE the Pretty Pigments Class Starts on September 6th!!!
NOTE: This will be the ONLY time I offer this bonus content for the Pretty Pigments Class!
Progress and Fear
Fleur de Lis constructed book 2005-ish
2016 is a little more than just half over, and looking back my decision to work on self improvement this year, instead of obsessing about my artwork, has paid off and in strides.
By self improvement I mean investing not only in my health, but also my art business. I've been busy taking business, art, and other types of classes. I also spent a good chunk of coin on books (all bought used thanks to Amazon) and art supplies.
I've also have been upgrading my studio equipment I'm now an iPhone/Mac user, and had equipment serviced: my Janome 6500 no longer clunks when using the zig zag stitch, and my studio lamp now turns on every time, and actually stays on.
To be honest June into July has felt a whole lot like christmas! But I won't lie, while I made this decision back in December of 2015, it was hard at first, I felt guilty. I justified taking classes that meant growth. I had to overcome fear.
The fear of "what if"?
It's doesn't happen all of the time. But it does happen. It happened today, about an hour ago actually.
What if the sewing machine doesn't work when I plug it in, and turn it on. My 60 day service warranty expired yesterday and I hadn't started up the machine since I picked it up from servicing.
Yup, you're not the only one, there's a huge tribe of us out here in the land of the internet that all suffer from fear induced procrastination.
I'm finishing up some handmade book signatures this afternoon, I will film the process, for my Pretty Pigments class that starts September 6th. I'll be posting about the upcoming class and soon, yes I have tons of fear, and procrastination, about teaching online again. And I have every intentions of putting that fear to rest.