
Raw Sienna and Raw Umber

I streamed tonight, such as it was... I say that because the audio kept dropping.  I will be streaming tomorrow evening from another site and hopefully that will work out.  Until then I posted in the Natural Surface Forum on the fruit fermentation reduction vat and about the earth pigments above.

WIP - Hands

More hand prints.  It is sooooooo unbelievably hot and dry here, normally we have a humidity level around 50% or higher this time of year, which is causing problems with drying times.  Problems as in everything is drying within minutes, sometimes seconds, making it difficult to work the cloth.

Man Cave

Out with the old an in with the blue!

Busy making a man cave for my favorite man!  The first coat of navy is on the walls tomorrow it'll get a second coat and then we'll paint the ceiling a lovely gold color - all mistints I've picked up along the way.  The floor will be covered with carpet remnant we've been saving for this room (9x10 feet-ish) and I'll make drapes for the windows.  This 'used' to be the guest bedroom.