Earth and Sky
Earth and Sky: From Sketch to Stitch a Mini Master Class
Lifetime Access to the Class
NOTE Prerequisite for this class is: Experience painting fabric with earth pigments, ochres, clay, and charcoal OR my online classes Colors of the Earth and/or Pretty Pigments.
Earth and Sky is an Eight Week Mini Master Class divided into 2 Four Week modules with a One Week break in between the two modules.
During this course students will learn how to create a series of work(s) using your own voice using earth pigments, clays, ochres, charcoal, etc., to create a new body of work.
From Sketch to Stitch! Students will take their original concept from their original sketches based upon landscapes, create the art cloth, and then stitching them to create this new body of work.
On average students will create 8-10 pieces for a new series of work.
Module 1: Sketch, Draw, Paint, Surface Design
Break Week
Module 2: Sketch, Surface Design, Stitch, Embellish
Surface Design Techniques:
Earth Pigments
Mixed Media Techniques using charcoal, conte, pastels, etc. on top of the earth pigment layer.
Free hand machine stitching/embroidery
Hand Stitching
Embellishment Techniques
Subjects Covered:
Working in a series
Creating and planning your series
Color and texture especially with stitch, when and how to use.
Surface Design
Embellishment and Displaying your final pieces.
Lifetime Access to the Class
NOTE: I won't be teaching pigment painting in this class, if you'd like to learn how to paint fabrics and papers with pigments I highly recommend taking the Colors of the Earth online class.
Lifetime Access to All Class Materials!!!
At the Marsh No. 1
Materials and Equipment Required:
1 to 2 yards of fabric.
1 to 2 yard of timtex
1 to 2 yards of backing fabric
Sewing Machine
Scissors for cutting fabric
Pins if needed for basting fabric
Earth Pigments, clays, ochres, charcoal
Soy Milk
Paint Brush
Paints, can be watercolors, acrylics, etc.
Brushes for painting
Access to a computer and a printer for printing off color and high contrast images
Glue stick
Craft scissors for cutting paper.