
Raw Sienna and Raw Umber

I streamed tonight, such as it was... I say that because the audio kept dropping.  I will be streaming tomorrow evening from another site and hopefully that will work out.  Until then I posted in the Natural Surface Forum on the fruit fermentation reduction vat and about the earth pigments above.

Fruit Fermentation Vat and Live Streaming

Attempted my first ever fruit fermentation vat this evening, notes about this are over in the Natural Surface forum, I liked it a LOT!  I streamed this session but was having a lot of issues with Ustream, so I will be streaming again tomorrow evening and from Google/YouTube Live instead of Ustream.  I will post a link tomorrow for the stream location.

I also worked with some earth pigments in this stream, it's recorded but will say I'm not sure how much of the recording has audio. 

I'm off to spend some quality time with hubs and my favorite pooch Angel.  See y'all tomorrow evening!