
WIP - Hands

More hand prints.  It is sooooooo unbelievably hot and dry here, normally we have a humidity level around 50% or higher this time of year, which is causing problems with drying times.  Problems as in everything is drying within minutes, sometimes seconds, making it difficult to work the cloth.

WIP - Hot Flash

Hot Flash in progress.

Silk Crinkle Crepe, wool batting, cotton backing.

Natural Dyes, Compost dyed.

Machine stitched so far.

Added additional stitching to the surface this afternoon after much encouraging from Brenda to take the plunge and use some bold colors in it, and I am think fuschia and firey bronze gold.  It's definately starting to pop now, but, there's aways a but isn't there, I have tons more stitching to do and the silk crinkle crepe is a major pain to machine stitch.

I missed the deadline for the QAQ/Schweinfurth I thought it was a post mark deadline but alas it's a recieved by date.  One of these years I'll get the application actually sent off.

Prairie Potholes

I didn't like these two pieces so I set them aside, with the advent of my new series Harvest, I decided to experiment and sure enough they needed some sketches as well. Lets just say I'm reviewing my entire Prairie Potholes Series now for it's potential to be changed!

8x 10 inches each