WIP - Untitled Vine 112211
WIP - Untitled Vine Piece 112111
Harvest Series
Natural Dyed Silk Scarves
WIP - Prairie
Heron - WIP
I'm seriously considering ripping out the stitching on the red organza area! An idea that looked good in my head didn't work out the way I had hoped. It's rather lacking, the silk organza going wonky on the piece doesn't help matters any.
IF I don't rip the stitching out and this is a very big IF, I may couch some yarn/fiber onto the piece in an assymetrical manner over the red stripe to correct the balance on the top right and lower left bottom.
Prairie Potholes Harvest No. 23
Blue Coneflowers ACEO
Brooch No. 1 Whirlwind Series
Prairie Potholes No. 12
Oh Quilt Where are Thou?
Prairie Pothole No. 17
Weathered Cloth
FFAC Collage Mania Pieces

Ghost Trees No. 1 - 6 http://www.virginiaspiegel.com/NewFiles/ACS/FAQ.html
Materials: Found Paper, Ink, Paintstiks, Fabric Paint, Timtex, Wool Felt, Metallic Thread, Cotton Thread, Wool Yarn, Compost Dyed Silk Organza Net (Behind the center panel)
Size: each piece measures approx 8 1/8 x 5 3/8 inches