
Altered Prom Dress

The 1950's formal I altered for Clare for her prom.  I added ribbons under the dress so that it could be hitched up giving it more form, then added an underskirt with tulle so that it would be poofy.  To break up the color I added a velvet belt with on of my vintage brooches, the colors in the brooch compliment the dress beautifully: smokey quartz, quartz, blue topaz, and silver.

Olof - WIP

John has been helping me with the construction of my latest pieces, running the saws and drills for cut outs etc., he cracked a huge grin when he put Olof's eyes in place which he picked, I was going to use gauages for the eyes, but John decided that Olof needed gears for eyes instead.  The gears definately changed the mood from dark to spry, Olof has a joker side, he loves playing practical jokes on people and may even revel in scaring them a wee bit.  I'm currently auditioning mouth pieces and body colors.

This and That No. 3

Update still in progress added some yummies to the right side, I'll finish beading the right side this evening. I haven't decided if there's enough yummies on the right side yet I have some larger pieces of lace I'm thinking of adding first. Once I start adding beads there won't be a surface to stitch through to attach the lace. I may add some aqua/dark turqoise trim on the rights side first to balance the color.

This and That No. 3 - in progress

I've added some beads to the crown piping and need to add more, I've been going through my stash of beads and am coming up with nothing as a pony bead is too big and I want to use something bigger than a 11/0 bead. The one bead I have that is the correct size is the wrong color, so maybe it doesn't need more beads on the piping??? Yet it tells me it wants to be encrusted!

This and That No. 3 Still Beading!

I added some beads to the top of the pom pom fringe and am thinking about encrusting the entire area. I was trying to bring out the dark aqual color in the calico fabric and carry it to the bottom of the piece.

I'm also contemplating adding beads to the red cording at he top of the piece. If I do, and I'm pretty certain I will once my fingers heal up, I'll add some matt gold copper lined 11/0 seed beads as I think this will compliment the colors of the piece and well.

This and That No. 3 in progress

It's stitched to a base, with quilt batting in between, of pink gingham fabric and its more of a rose color actually. The pom pom trim is sewn onto the bottom and it's now ready for embellishing. Buttons, beads, ribbons, glitter and maybe even a few suprises - been wanting to make some more paper beads.