Beautiful Blue
Pretty in Pink - Hat Detail
Iowa from 1000 Feet
Studio Shots
Soft Mauve Natural Dyed Silk Velvet Yardage
Deepest Wine Silk Velvet Fabric
Natural Dyes: Madder and Lac
2.5 yards
It has some slight mottling which adds to the bruised grape appeal.
Altered Prom Dress
The 1950's formal I altered for Clare for her prom. I added ribbons under the dress so that it could be hitched up giving it more form, then added an underskirt with tulle so that it would be poofy. To break up the color I added a velvet belt with on of my vintage brooches, the colors in the brooch compliment the dress beautifully: smokey quartz, quartz, blue topaz, and silver.
Something Pretty
Cochineal Cauldera
Cochineal Vat
Natural Dyed Silk Velvet Fabrics
My retro vintage oranged crushed velvet wing back chair.
I finally got the chair into the studio, I'm not sure but I think I may have used a few muscles I haven't used in years! The view from the doorway - my studio isn't really that large something like 10 x 13 feet, less actually because the doorway is on the corner which has been lopped off, old victorians are a lot of fun. My head hurts today I wacked it and pretty good last night on the drafting table, bent over to pick something up which was all the encouragement I needed to move the table out of the room permanently.
Old Banana Silk Velvet Trim
Heart No. 2 In Progress
Pink Pin Cushion
Another Peak
Natural Dyed Silk Velvet Fabrics
Hand work

I started this piece tonight by needle felting various fibers using the Janome Expression, and now I've plans to do a bunch of stitching to the surface. This pic is the inspiration a red velvet spider mite on some moss. I took this photo last Sunday when we were out looking for morels in the woods.
New Barn Series

Now to figure how I'm going to stitch these babies and not lose the naunce of what I'm trying to achieve - which is to NOT have them look like a quilt! I'm not sure what the size is at the moment, I'll have to measure the pieces tomorrow, I"m thinking they are around 22"w x 28"h