
WIP - Apple

WIP - Apple
40x68 inches
Fabric Paint, Shiva Paintsticks, on Cotton

Taking opinions! I'm not happy with the background. At this point I think I will finish the apple tonight, which means I need to go to the store and audition apples again, and then let it air cure. Once it's cured in a few days, shiva paintstiks, I'd press it then wash it then stitch it???

I'm still not certain, I've been working on this piece of almost a year now.

Apple No. 1 - Let the Mistakes Begin!!!

Line going across the fabric became very pronounced once I started applying the Shiva Paintstiks (oil bars) to the surface.  Click on the pic to see the line better.  Suggestions on getting rid of it???

The culprit that caused the line, masking tape on the vinyl, someday I'll learn to look at my surface and make sure there's no tape attached! You can see the line going directly across the fabric, follows the tape beautifully.

Now the twenty million dollar question, do I incorporate the line some how or start over?  The line travels across the top third of the apple.

Cranberry Applesauce

Or saucy applesauce as we like to call it, unforutnately it didn't come out nearly as chunky as we like it, frustrated with the sauce sticking to the bottom of the pan I buckled under and used the stick blender to break the sauce down even further. Well... you know what they say about good intentions right. So it's mostly very creamy sauce, it tastes wonderful and looks beautiful but...

I also fell short on the cranberries, the sauce really needed about four more pounds of cranberries to give it that tart flavor we like and so well. I have one jar that didn't seal for some reason I guess we will have to make the ultimate sacrifice and eat that jar of sauce now!!! As you can see I enjoyed a cinnamon roll with some sauce.