Cranberry Apple Sauce or Saucy Apples
I used six rome apples, cutting them up into small chunks. I leave the peels on the apples this adds fiber to the sauce. If you want a smoother sauce blend it in a mixer when the sauce is done.
I start with the sauce covered but to keep it from being too liquidy I take it off in the last 7 minutes or so.
Cook the sauce down until very tender and slightly thickened.
6 - 8 tart apples, I used Rome Apples for this batch of sauce and 1 bag of cranberries fresh or frozen do NOT used canned. I use one cup of sugar for sweetener. Dh want me to add a bag of cinnamon red hots next time instead. This can be canned up as is in a Boiling Water Bath, I used quart jars and processed it for 20 minutes - adjust for your altitude.
Cranberry Applesauce
Or saucy applesauce as we like to call it, unforutnately it didn't come out nearly as chunky as we like it, frustrated with the sauce sticking to the bottom of the pan I buckled under and used the stick blender to break the sauce down even further. Well... you know what they say about good intentions right. So it's mostly very creamy sauce, it tastes wonderful and looks beautiful but...
I also fell short on the cranberries, the sauce really needed about four more pounds of cranberries to give it that tart flavor we like and so well. I have one jar that didn't seal for some reason I guess we will have to make the ultimate sacrifice and eat that jar of sauce now!!! As you can see I enjoyed a cinnamon roll with some sauce.
Chicken Vegetable Soup
We put up some chicken vegetable soup today, in addition to the meatloaf. Last night all I got done was the chunky applesauce I still have chili and apple pie filling to get canned, along with more chunky apple sauce. I'm hping to have spiced apple rings canned up by next weekend and that will be all for apples this year!
This Weekends To Do List
Can Meatloaf, Chili, Coleslaw, Green Beans, and make Chunky Applesauce, AND if there's any time left in the weekend Apple Pie Filling.