Art Crawl Iowa 2013 Event
If you would like to participate in Art Crawl Iowa 2013, October 5th and 6th, and are an Iowa Artist please contact me at and I will add you to the list of participants!
WIP - Hands
WIP - Peony No. 3
WIP - Signs
Indian Corn No. 2
Indian Corn
Wild Flowers in Wax
The wax is still warm in this shot and the rice paper buckled something fierce!
4x4x2.75 inches Cradled Baltic Birch Panel
Encaustic medium, rice paper, ink, found stamp, and oil sticks
Still Life
Today's Painting Session
I pulled out my ThreeFold magazines the other night and was reviewing some of their techniques. I was monoprinting with acetate sheets back in 1995 when I couldn't afford a really nice large glass plate to print with - the zines are very well written.