
Cranberry Apple Sauce or Saucy Apples

I used six rome apples, cutting them up into small chunks. I leave the peels on the apples this adds fiber to the sauce. If you want a smoother sauce blend it in a mixer when the sauce is done.

Add Cranberries to the apples.

Add one cup of sugar.

Add an inch and a half of water to the pot - I used a 3 quart pot.

Cook on medium heat until the apples are soft and the cranberries are cooked, about 20 minutes.

Stir frequently so as to not scorch the sauce.

I start with the sauce covered but to keep it from being too liquidy I take it off in the last 7 minutes or so.

Cook the sauce down until very tender and slightly thickened.

6 - 8 tart apples, I used Rome Apples for this batch of sauce and 1 bag of cranberries fresh or frozen do NOT used canned. I use one cup of sugar for sweetener. Dh want me to add a bag of cinnamon red hots next time instead. This can be canned up as is in a Boiling Water Bath, I used quart jars and processed it for 20 minutes - adjust for your altitude.