Local Inspiration
Corn No. 40
WIP - Corn No.'s 51 and 52
WIP - Bins
WIP- Bins
Charcoal on gesso on baltic birch plywood.
This is the second time I've tried painting over charcoal, ok I'm using a brush to paint with, and I have to admit I absolutely loathe it! First off I find myself wanting to paint 'inside' the lines like a coloring book, mistake number one, and secondly I keep expecting my brush to respond like my palette knife and well we all know that's not going to happen, mistake number two. So when the first coat of paint is done drying I'm planning to go at it again with my palette knife and this time ignore those line!
Acrylic on baltic birch plywood.
WIP - Corn No. 48 & 49 in Progress
Corn No.'s 45, 46, and 47 - Framed
No. 45 Redux
No. 47
WIP - Bin
Spring Time Rocks!
Will post some pictures tomorrow, but was actually able to spend some time outside today in the gardens, mostly picking up debris, limbs, and the like. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 62F here and if it's not too windy I will be uncovering the front gardens. Still lots to do, leaves and branches to be shredded, horse manure needs to be fetched for the compost bins, pots to be cleaned, seeds to be started, but I sure do LOVE spring time!
Prairie Bits and Pieces - Now Available
Bin No. 1
1.5x2 inches
Natural and Compost Dyed Fabrics, Timtex, Thread, Machine Embroidered