Oliver's Run Part Two
All of the old garden fencing is now gone, everything is mowed and removed save for a few native prairie plants which will be transplanted sometime this week.
Half of the run is up, we will set up the rest of the run tomorrow evening. I'm just too tired to do so tonight, cleaning up the old garden area also meant trimming back the trees, removing volunteer trees, and the like as well as more mowing which hubs did for me!
No. 47
Iowa - Inspiration at 55 mph!
Iowa - Inspiration at 55 mph! Whenever I'm not driving I like to take advantage of the situation by snapping tons of photos, photos that are in motion. Every once in awhile I make a squealing noise indicating I really want to stop and take more photos of whatever that has captured my attention at that moment, but by and large images taken at 55mph intrigue me!
Garden Update
Well we are almost done with the garden fencing, one little bit left to be done tomorrow night - the kolrabi box at the base of our cherry tree. The green beans are popping up after the heavy rain we had last night. My lettuce looks like it'll be ready to pick in a week, can't wait!
New Flower Garden
And as you can see from the text and such I am having problems with my wacom tablet today.