Plotting and Planning

Plotting and Planning.  John signed off on my moving my studio into the Living Room, and even possibly the Dining room some months ago and I had been dragging my feet... BUT NOW I'm hearing that the rain Iowa has recieved in the last three years will now become common place and I really don't want to have to move my wet studio up from the basement every year... it's very tiring and is extremely stressful.  So, I am thinking of moving those elements upstairs and moving my design studio from the second story down to the living room and this part of my life can now exist in one room, instead of spread out here and there.  Pictures coming and soon.

Spring Cleaning

Well I'm into day two after having a cortizone shot injected into my injured right knee and WOW what a difference it has made in my mobility.  Today after sleeping in, I must have needed the rest, I decided to empty out some boxes shoved to the side in the upstairs hallway, suprise suprise MOST of the boxes were empty, they've been sitting there forever collecting dust, go figure. 

I put two small bookshelves where the boxes once lived and proceeded to free up floor space in my studio, yes there really IS a floor in my studio.  I'm hoping to vacuum that floor tomorrow!  Photos coming and soon.

Of e-Books and Other Things

I finally found a source so that I could make my books available as a digital download :-)  Check out my website for more information, I'm hoping to make the downloads available from my blogs as well.

Am still recuperating from a nasty fall two weeks ago, I've been using the down time to get caught up on desk work, book projects, and a new video project which will be shot once it warms up this spring.  Until then I will continue to stream twice a month the recorded videos are available on Ustream.

Spring and Crows

The crows are back, a few weeks early actually, this means that in about six weeks the robins and cedar waxwings will also return.  Is this a sign that spring will be early this year?  John certianly hopes so as he's itching to finish painting the house.  I've started planning my gardens and will be starting seeds soon. 

Here the crows are sitting atop my house trying to keep warm.