We are currently experiencing rain, much needed rain, yeah I know this is quite the turn around from last year but then who knew we'd have three flood years in a row! Well it's been dry here of late, lots of grass fires, etc. so when the rain started flying... yes I was excited. Pictures to be forth coming.
Plotting and Planning
Plotting and Planning. John signed off on my moving my studio into the Living Room, and even possibly the Dining room some months ago and I had been dragging my feet... BUT NOW I'm hearing that the rain Iowa has recieved in the last three years will now become common place and I really don't want to have to move my wet studio up from the basement every year... it's very tiring and is extremely stressful. So, I am thinking of moving those elements upstairs and moving my design studio from the second story down to the living room and this part of my life can now exist in one room, instead of spread out here and there. Pictures coming and soon.
Flood Warnings Again
I'm in prep mode right now, picking everything up off of my basement studio floor in anticipation of the coming flood waters. Maybe it won't get so bad this time??? Then again I could be wrong the ground is super saturated here, the rivers are quite high and there's not a whole lot of places left for the water to go, except into basements etc.,
So prep I must. Granted it doesn't get deep here, six inches in the one corner, but it's still a pain cleaning everything. I'm debating cleaning the floor in advance, less surface dirt means less dirt afterwards right? Maybe, so long as the sewer doesn't back up into the house, again, which is what the problem has been.
More later from the land of Flood.
So prep I must. Granted it doesn't get deep here, six inches in the one corner, but it's still a pain cleaning everything. I'm debating cleaning the floor in advance, less surface dirt means less dirt afterwards right? Maybe, so long as the sewer doesn't back up into the house, again, which is what the problem has been.
More later from the land of Flood.
Garden's In!
Well after spending all day yesterday scrubbing the laundry room from top to bottom (it flooded this past along with everything else) I was finally able to get the remainder of the south and east gardens in tonight, before it begins raining again. A good portion of my cucumbers didn't come up so I planted watermelons a small fruit variety type that matures in 73 days or less. So come August I should have some ripe melons hopefully.
So the only thing that is left to tackle is the north garden, but the junk pile needs to be removed. First we need to find a source of clean fill dirt and then haul the remaining horse manure to the site and get it "composting".
So the only thing that is left to tackle is the north garden, but the junk pile needs to be removed. First we need to find a source of clean fill dirt and then haul the remaining horse manure to the site and get it "composting".
Flood Pictures
More Flood Pictures
Don't Do This!!!
Flood Waters
It's Flooding Here
Dangerous Waters
A River Runs Through It!!!

Here's a shot of the flood waters here in Ames at lunch this afternoon!!! I can hear the helicopters going overhead most are news choppers but I'm sure FEMA is here accessing the damage as well. We only got 3.54 inches of rain, it's all of the rain from up north, however, that is causing the most damage here.