Mark Making with Nature Surface Design with Natural Dyes
Mark Making with Nature eBook Set MEGA SALE!!!
Black Friday thru Cyber Monday MEGA Sale
Titles Include:
- Mark Making with Nature
- Rust and Clay Dyeing
- Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing Techniques
- Getting Started with Natural Dyeing
That 's 172 pages of how-to dye, paint, and print with natural dyes for $3.95! Own them today!
36 Hour SUPER SALE Mark Making with Nature eBook Series!
Black Friday Sale!!! eBooks, DVD's, Academy, and More!
Black Friday Sale 2013!!!
DVD Set $69.95
Digital Download $39.95
eBook Combo $19.95
Black Friday Membership Sale!!!
$299.00 (non-refundable)
Join me and other artists in 2014!
We will be taking fabric from ordinary to extraordinary!!!
Stitched Stories, Mix Media Prints,
Fabric Bundles and More!!!
Dog Transport eBook Special!!!
Dog Transport eBook Special!!!
He also needs to be neutered once we get him here to Iowa, he's eight months old and the cute wore offso now he's coming to live with me, we will have many years of happy walks together!
I will post a photo of the new pooch as soon as I have permission to do so, not everyone wants their images out on the net!
Natural Dyeing eBook Super Sale!!!
End of Summer eBook Sale!!!
Celebrating the End of Summer and the beginning of Fall with an eBook Sale!
End of Summer eBook Sale!!!
Celebrating the End of Summer and the beginning of Fall with an eBook Sale!
See my website for details!!!
Thank Heavens for Mondays...
I'm back sorta, I managed to ressurect my 12 year old computer so am now able to resume printing fabric, editing photos, and continue writing on the newest eBook. As to when my other computer will be fixed, well lets just say that at this point I've given up on my other computer I have a solo show I'm hanging at Mary Greeley Medical Center this coming Thursday and I want to focus on that task instead.
Ode to Corn No. 1
One of the new pieces I'm finishing for my upcoming solo show, natural dyed cotton and silk fabrics, machine stiched using Aurifil Cotton threads.
My eBooks are available still!!! In case you were wondering with all of my computer troubles yes the ebooks are definately still available! The eBooks live on a seperate server, I knew several years back that this would one day be a very imporant thing to do.
Whilest cleaning my wet studio I found two copies of the Mark Making with Nature DVD in my stash, this is your last chance to obtain a physical copy of the DVD before I digitize it and make it a digital download only!

If your interested in a copy of the DVD please email me the price is $49.95 plus $4.95 shipping
Ode to Corn No. 1
One of the new pieces I'm finishing for my upcoming solo show, natural dyed cotton and silk fabrics, machine stiched using Aurifil Cotton threads.
My eBooks are available still!!! In case you were wondering with all of my computer troubles yes the ebooks are definately still available! The eBooks live on a seperate server, I knew several years back that this would one day be a very imporant thing to do.
Whilest cleaning my wet studio I found two copies of the Mark Making with Nature DVD in my stash, this is your last chance to obtain a physical copy of the DVD before I digitize it and make it a digital download only!

If your interested in a copy of the DVD please email me the price is $49.95 plus $4.95 shipping
Studio Update
Not much going on in the dye studio these days, it's still too blustery to do any serious dyeing out of doors so I'm keeping myself busy writing up new tutorials for natural dyeing, and starting this weekend I'll be skirting fleeces. In the mean time I have lowered the price of my eBooks from $19.95 to $14.95.
Of e-Books and Other Things
I finally found a source so that I could make my books available as a digital download :-) Check out my website for more information, I'm hoping to make the downloads available from my blogs as well.
Am still recuperating from a nasty fall two weeks ago, I've been using the down time to get caught up on desk work, book projects, and a new video project which will be shot once it warms up this spring. Until then I will continue to stream twice a month the recorded videos are available on Ustream.
Am still recuperating from a nasty fall two weeks ago, I've been using the down time to get caught up on desk work, book projects, and a new video project which will be shot once it warms up this spring. Until then I will continue to stream twice a month the recorded videos are available on Ustream.