
Thank Heavens for Mondays...

I'm back sorta, I managed to ressurect my 12 year old computer so am now able to resume printing fabric, editing photos, and continue writing on the newest eBook. As to when my other computer will be fixed, well lets just say that at this point I've given up on my other computer I have a solo show I'm hanging at Mary Greeley Medical Center this coming Thursday and I want to focus on that task instead.

Ode to Corn No. 1
One of the new pieces I'm finishing for my upcoming solo show, natural dyed cotton and silk fabrics, machine stiched using Aurifil Cotton threads.

My eBooks are available still!!! In case you were wondering with all of my computer troubles yes the ebooks are definately still available!  The eBooks live on a seperate server, I knew several years back that this would one day be a very imporant thing to do. 

Whilest cleaning my wet studio I found two copies of the Mark Making with Nature DVD in my stash, this is your last chance to obtain a physical copy of the DVD before I digitize it and make it a digital download only! 

If your interested in a copy of the DVD please email me the price is $49.95 plus $4.95 shipping 

Office Update 021512

Well the computer is still on the fritz!  There are a couple of things that are not working in my favor and one of those is that my power supply, a whopping 650 watts and top of the line back is 2006, is now out of date and too small, I need a minimum of 850 watts to do what I'm doing. 

My fear was what am I going to do now???

 Hubs tells me tonight that the east bedroom, our guest bedroom, is on it's OWN circuit breaker and it's a whopping 20 AMPS!!! How lucky am I, well this does present a challenge because this means I'll be moving my office AND the guest bedroom.  The flip side is more cleaning and down sizing.

Today I spent the day power cleaning my studio, organizing, etc., and spent a whopping 60 minutes stitching.  Tomorrow it'll be more like three hours of stitching.

Photos tomorrow of what I'm not sure but you can be assured there will be photos.

Crashed Computer

Well it's official the RAID system is trashed on my computer. We got it boot up last night, checked the errors and ran a defragmentation scan (31% fragmented files is a lot) it took all night to run that scan and fix the errors. And hope against all hope it started doing it again - the clunking noise in the hard drives. I'll run a diagnostics test on the RAID tomorrow but I already know the results based on it's performace.

The only bright spot in this whole ordeal is the hard drives are half what I paid for them 4 years ago! The down side is I'll have to wait a few weeks to do the repairs as sales have been rather slow of late. I guess this is a sign that I should spend more time dyeing, painting, and stitching fabric! ;-) Now that's a bright spot I can embrace!!!