
Purple Coneflower

I took a little me time a week or so ago and decided to paint some timtex with watercolors and watercolor pencils, and then machine stitch the piece, and a purple coneflower was born.

4x6 inches.

I started out using watercolor pencils to draw out and color the flower, it was surprisingly easy so long as the tip of the pencil wasn’t sharp. I allowed the colors to dry between applications so that I would have crisper edges.

I then filled in the background using regular watercolors and a brush creating a mottled effect. I let the timtex dry over night.

I then machine stitched the details of the flower using Aurifil Thread. I dropped the feed dogs and used an embroidery foot to free style stitch the details.

I made Time to Paint!


I found a copy of Mindy Lacefield's book Wild Surrender while cleaning my studio and decided to do a couple of the exercises in her book. It felt pretty good to be painting again.

I still have a lot of cleaning to do in my studio, and I also have about a hundred pounds of tomatoes to process, getting the mess under control has been quite freeing. I've been throwing out lots of stuff that no longer serves me, and as I grow older as an artist I doubt will ever serve me again. I mean really who needs a hundred thread/spool labels.

Could someone else have used them, sure, and then I have to deal with packing stuff up, going to the post office, etc., nope into the trash they went! Don't worry I probably have another five hundred plus spool labels still attached to spools of thread.

Where have I been?


Cleaning and reorganizing my studio... and now that my bread rack is in the house I will begin the task of completing 15 16x20 inch paintings in 15 days! Yep you read that correctly. I'll try to post photos here and on my blog as I get things finished. I hang my solo show on July 1st at the Sanford Museum in Cherokee, Iowa, on that date.

More coming soon... oh and the best part about cleaning my studio is 1. more floor space and 2. I found my large tripod so now I can set up my camera for creating videos while working at the easel.

Oil Paint and Cold Wax

Cottonwoods. Oil paint & Cold wax. 5 x 8 inches on canvas paper.

Cottonwoods. Oil paint & Cold wax. 5 x 8 inches on canvas paper.

I’ve been experimenting this past week with water mixable oil paints and cold wax. Not sure what I think about this medium, yet, other than working small is not working for me so it’s time to set up the easel.

This painting evolved from memories of the cottonwood stand at my favorite marsh, Bjorkboda, in Hamilton County, Iowa. I was there last month and many of the trees have now fallen over and only a few remain. I need to go back and take some photos to share and soon.

Day 5 Studio Clean Up.


I didn’t get much done clean up wise in my studio, the past four days due to my asthma flaring up and pretty bad. I made the mistake in going out in the extreme cold (6F with a -12F) without my Vogmask. See that 6F was a whole lot warmer than the previous day when it was -23F and that wasn’t the windchill.

So I spent the past few days enjoying my favorite magazines, let there be turquoise, and reading cookbooks.

I’m taking an online class over that the Jeanne Oliver Network studying Impressionist Berthe Morisot and I seem to have forgotten how to draw. So back to the table to practice, practice, practice.

I’m back to using my pan pastels again, love them just don’t love having them strewn out all over my work surface. I need a storage system/container for these little beasts.


Preliminary sketches. I'm creating a new series, for an upcoming show in mid-March based upon the colors and textures of local grain bins, silos, and elevators. Some of these structures are very old and are made of wood and other interesting materials.

I will be live streaming about this series this coming Saturday Evening at 7pm CST in my FB group Almost Stitched, it's free to join!


Cleaned My Stencil


It took over an hour, but I finally got the dried spackling (Sp?) removed from my Black Birds in Tree Stencil! 

I cleaned it by gently brushing it with a medium and soft stencil brush, and then use a needle awl to clean the tiny crevices. One of the things I love about StencilGirl Stencils is their durability. I have been happily using, and abusing, this stencil for over four years now!!!