Carrier Rods

Silk Carrier Rod Stream Update

After reviewing my last live stream, the one where I was constructing a silk carrier rod cuff, I've decided to redo that stream.  Why?  It's just too painful to watch!  This time I plan to record it and not worry about doing the recording live, and it may come in multiple segments so that I get the camera in the correct position.

More later from the wet studio :-)

May's Fibery Giveaway

May's fibery giveaway (found out it wasn't spelled give away) consists of natural dyed cotton and silk fabrics, acid dyed silk carrier rods, the hot pink carrier rod fibers were dyed with cochineal, and hand dyed yarn bundle and cotton pearl cotton threads. What you don't see are some extra goodies I'm tucking in with this bundle, in the same color palette of course.

What you have to do is post a comment AND you MUST have an email addy so that I can contact you! No I won't use your email addy for anything other than this giveaway! You can sign in as anonymous but please leave your addy in your comment ~

Names will be drawn out of a hat, I'll have John do that part, and tomorrow I will announce the winner and contact the winner via email at Noon Central Time (gives you time to comment and me time to go to garage sales).

All about Roses!

Roses it's all about the Roses I say! Someone swiped my roses out of my front yard, no kidding, they cut them down flush with the ground! So I'm consoling myself with some rose colored inspired silk carrier rods to make my own garden! I have extra's of these beauties, scent free of course, and am offering them up in my etsy shop!
I'll post what I've made with mine later tomorrow, I've been toying with spinning some bulky art yarns with these rods and then stitching them to a lovely garden inspired surface with an overlay of embroidery.

Rusted Carrier Rods In Progress

The rods don't look like much here, I ended up letting them dry completely and then resoaked them with vinegar and put more gears on top of them. It was rather windy and I think the wind got up under the black plastic - which helps them rust faster btw - and dried them somewhat. They were still damp, but not enough to rust suffeciently.

I think the images of the rusted rods I turned into constructed cloth must be on the other computer as I"m not finding them here. They are on the blog somewhere back in July I do believe.

Rusted Silk Carrier Rods

I know I know I promised pictures and trust me I wish I had taken some because the bulk of the rods now lie in ruin on my drying screen! I put them in the washer, with a bit of soap, to neutralize them and clean the tree guck off of them and forgot to turn the washer off after it filled. Well lets just say that the agitation cycle is NOT a good for the rods. So I'm thinking that while I can make some constructed cloth with the remaining rods, and there are some that are wonderful, the rest I will make paper *think silk fusion* with this week.

So here's a picture of some silk paper, or silk fusion, seeds that I made circa 1995. And a few silk fusion bowls I also made. I should really find the box these are in and bring them up to the studio for the Silk Fusion class I'm teaching this fall. In the meantime I will try taking a picture of the rods, damage and all, with my cell phone camera - need to find the digicam again - but can't promise a quality image.