WIP - Poppies
Poppies - WIP
Yellow Poppies
Blue Poppies WIP
June Poppies WIP
June Poppies
Wild Poppies
I needlefelted degummed silk waste onto a base of white wool roving, tis over a piece of shiny white organza fabric. The black lines were created by needlefelting heavy black pearl cotton onto the fabric. this would probably look better photographed against a dark background, instead of my white table.
New Work
Well sorta, I've been fermenting on this idea for some time, in fact these are just the color studies for the actual piece that is hanging on my studio wall - and it's 9 x 10 feet, yep 9 x 10 feet (which translates roughly into king size for the quilters out there).
These pieces, Hot Poppies, are a set, free stitching on painted timtex and they really are this bright! I'm making prints and they will be available on my etsy.com store - see little etsy icon to the left. They look much better in person but I am having a hard time with the bright colors and contrast, I actually tried fixing it in Photoshop to no avail. I even scanned them in, they looked really bad then, even with some adjustments to contrast and the like. Tis the bane of photographing bright,high contrast, art.