John and I went out earlish - for me anyway - this morning to take photos of a vineyard in progress. Vineyards used to be a mainstay here in Iowa, just like potatoes and mangel beets, but alas sometime in the 60's they went the way of the dodo bird. Ten years ago, however, the vineyard made a comeback here! The mark they leave upon the prairiescape is unique, in comparison to corn and soy beans, and thusly my Prairie Harvest series will be including vineyards as part of the imagery!
New Colors
Aphids - they are everywhere and they are devouring everything!!! I guess it's time to pull out the big poisons - Sevin - and kill everything off! I truly hate to do this but we have them so bad that they are actually eating the leaves on our oak trees!!! I've never seen an aphid on an oak tree before but I guess anything IS possible.
My grape vine is all but dead and I'm trying to keep a 150 year old english rose root stock alive!
My grape vine is all but dead and I'm trying to keep a 150 year old english rose root stock alive!
What is it???
New Garden Space
No more fence hopping for me, John's also building a gate for the garden as well. One of the blessings of no longer having a large dog means I don't have to have a large yard for the large dog and it also means less mowing!!! Now to finish planning the guilds to go around the trees .