Madder Root on Cotton and Monitor Colors
In case your monitor is reading tans and beige be rest assured that the colors in my Madder Root on Vintage Trims post are in fact peach, coral, and orange! AND there's even a bright neon yellowish to orangish on the nylon cotton blend. NOTE that colors DO vary from monitor to monitor, and my monitor is set to CMYK mode.
While dyeing cotton fabrics does involve a certain amount of work bright colors CAN be obtained on cotton and linen fabrics! Don't be discouraged by what other's say bright colors ARE obtainable on cotton and linen. I've been dyeing cotton for over 15 years now and I'm living proof that it is indeed possible.
While dyeing cotton fabrics does involve a certain amount of work bright colors CAN be obtained on cotton and linen fabrics! Don't be discouraged by what other's say bright colors ARE obtainable on cotton and linen. I've been dyeing cotton for over 15 years now and I'm living proof that it is indeed possible.
Coneflower No. 2
Coral Coneflower it needs something what??? I'm debating a grain bin or maybe some bison, hmmm how about some bison trapped in a grain bin???? Now that WOULD be the statement that some are dyeing for me to make ;-)
4x6 inches
Compost Dyed Cloth, Natural Dyes, Timtex Core, Machine Stitched, Black Cotton Cloth Backing Fabric.
Coral Reef Series