blender — Archives — Kimberly Baxter Packwood


Busy, Busy, But Not Creating

A simple reminder of what it is I'm supposed to be doing today, but have yet to accomplish.  I spent most of today on the prowl for a cherry pitter and not just any cherry pitter but THIS cherry pitter. I finally purchased it at Amazon this afternoon after not being able to locate said beast locally.

Additionally after a very long search I was also able to order a part for my kitchen aide mixer that had unceremoniously broke.  I was very upset when I was told that my mixer was not fixable, more from the stand point that I had used it maybe a half dozen times but also from a green point of view... if you don't want appliances going into landfills then build appliances that can be repaired!

This little gizmo (called a blender coupler) stands between me and a smoothie, and it shall arrive sometime this week!  Now to purchase the face plate for my Champion Juicer, that hubs broke, and I'm set for a summer of smoothies and fresh juice.

I'm off to write and then maybe, just maybe stitch something this evening!

Coral Reef Series

Top pic is of the fabric before I started applying shiva paintstiks - I"m no where near being done with the surface of this piece, and then it needs to be stitched!!! My shiva iridescent blender is NOT cooperating, time to dig out a new one. Everytime I went to draw a line on the fabric it wouldn't lay down color, if I pressed harder it just started flaking apart not fun at all, I've had this blender for about four years now so that could be a part of the problem.

I've never been to a coral reef, just seen them in photos etc., so no where near being close to the real thing. I have 4 maybe 5 pieces of fabric that ended up looking like coral, well ot me anyway, so this is the nature of my newest series of art quilts.