
WIP's - Sandstone Series

This Sandstone piece has been in a bucket for the past decade, every once in awhile I dig it out and stare it it on my design wall (in my case my design wall is a bookshelf).  Today's it's day, I've decided to seperate the two pieces of fabric and overdye the top piece with kutch, and maybe some kamala.

Detail, the reddish fabric is cochineal and rust dyed silk fabric.

Another Sandstone WIP that has been languishing in the storage bucket for the past 10+ years.  It's mostly hand stitching on the surface, tonight I have plans to add some machine stitching and possibly a few layers of constructed cloth.  This piece is small enough to experiment with pushing the surface.

WIP - Hands and Sandstone Cliffs

I was starting to think I had made a mistake adding the vertical lines to this piece, that there's no way they could occur naturally on cliffs, after all most color deliniation lines we see are horizontal in the forms of layers right?  Wrong.  My gut instinct was correct the proof came when I was browsing through some photos of the local limestone cliffs.

I was greatly encouraged when I came across this batch of photos this evening.  So in addition to working on the computer tomorrow, I'll be pushing this hands piece even further.


Time to make some encrusted fabrics as well, this is a section of the same sandstone cliffs in the above photos.

Ledges State Park, Boone, Iowa.

WIP - Sandstone No. 4

Sometimes anger can work for you and other times against you.  Frustration cuts the same way as well.  I started going through a pile of WIP's, frustrated with the size it's become and still pissed of at some comments today that at this point are just pointless.  As my husband likes to point out some folks taste is all in their mouth.

So, after putting Canyonlands No. 2 to rest for the evening I started auditioning my pile of WIP's.  Do you see him?  The Medicine Man, peering out from the stoney surface? I'm not sure if the image can be made larger by clicking on it or not.

Quilt National and Well That's Life

I missed the deadline for QN again!  I know I know the actual deadline is tomorrow but in order for my entry to make it there tomorrow I would have had to have shipped it, overnight no less, yesterday!  How about that for logic!

Sandstone No. 4 WIP

Anyway, because I was busy plugging away on my latest body of work, for my solo show, I fell behind way behind.  Absolutely no one's fault but my own, that and I'm seriously in a cow and field encuastic painting mode, the need to switch gears back to fiber just wasn't happening.  So the above piece is STILL in progress, I have three more pieces in my Sandstone series in various stages of progression, waiting on the fabrics to rust and compost to the desired level of doneness is also taking forever with this summers crazier than ever weather.

Plains Art Museum

Sandstone 2 is leaving here tomorrow for the Plains Art Museum
in Fargo, North Dakota. I was asked to participate in a group show with other quilt artists who live in this part of the country. I wish I lived closer to the Museum as it looks like it's going to be a stellar show with many very talented quilt artists.