
Oven Fried Chicken

Here they are after backing, ignore the white part on the one chicken thigh John said he ran out of flour and I'm STILL NOT CERTAIN what happened!

Coated with corn flakes, flour and spices and ready to be baked in a 375F oven. Below chicken parts awaiting a coating of goodies.

Well it all started on Thursday night, after a very harried day of bookwork etc., and dh's coming home late I decided at the last minute to go to HyVee and buy some chicken already fried up from the deli. And it was really good and we got to talking about it during dinner and the point that it was a dollar per piece of chicken did not go unnoticed!

Soooo John and I decided that it would benefit us more if we made up some chicken this weekend and froze it for those evenings when I"m really tired and REALLY don't feel like cooking but still want something super tasty to eat. We picked up 10 pounds of chicken hind quarters and John made oven fried chicken for us! It's all cooked, they are out in the garage freezing as I write and tomorrow they will go into the freezer. There's several meals worth here!

Turkey Enchilada's

two cans each green enchillda sauce, green chile's, chopped tomatoes, and tomato sauce.

Lots of turkey

Corn tortillias

three cheeses

The sauce mixed up and coming to a boil.

The sauce at a boil.

The sauce boiled and then simmered for 15 minutes with one healthy dollop of sour cream added. Skins are dipped in the sauce to soften and then filled with turkey and cheese.

Assemble enchilada's
Layer in a baking pan, cover with more sauce and some cheese.

Once a month cooking at it's finest - what else would I do with so much left over turkey???

All American Canner

My friend Nancy brought her All American Canner over, I believe it's the 941, anyway who knew how greatful I'd really be! Dh bought, on spectulation that the freezer that was arriving yesterday would actually work, 40 pounds of chicken parts! Well lets just say I'll be canning lots of chicken tonight.
Yes I love color and tried a few things on the walls in my kitchen, but then got busy and wasn't able to finish the job. In the next few weeks I'll be painting the kitchen a very nice medici white (sherwin williams) and the ceiling a nice pale yellow. Haven't decided on a cabinet color yet.

New Freezer - NOT

Well our new chest freezer was scheduled to arrive next week but now it's not coming until July 3rd! Sears called leaving several frantic messages telling us it was being "reshipped" the last message I recieved informed me that my chest freezer had been damaged when it was dropped off, literally and figuratively, of the back of a moving vehicle. Nice well at least they told us the truth, I'm figuring it must have been damaged and really badly for them to admit to the fact that it had been damaged.

Until the new freezer arrives it'll be an ongoing archeology dig in the upright as it's still producing a ice at a breakneck pace! There may be no glaciers atop the mountains but there is definately one growing my my upright freezer!


I didn't get the freezer addressed but that's ok John has Friday off from work, a four day weekend together he plans to take the new photos of the iceberg to the dealer to see about getting it fixed properly. It's still under warranty so why fight the thing, and I suspect because he's a guy that he'll be able to get the job done right this time.

I spent most of the day updating blogs and have applied for AdSense with Google, could be interesting. The rest of the evening was spent cleaning the kitchen, pulling out the fridge and vacuuming behind it, something that should be done at least once a decade right???

We did decide on putting hte maple flooring in the kitchen, will have to take a picture of the bare plywood, and I'll paint it whence it's in. I've plans to paint the floor in a black and white pattern. the walls will be painted Medici White ~ Sherwin Williams Paint, and the cabinets lettuce green, an nice soft green color ~ Dutch Boy Paint, and the ceiling Friendly Yellow ~ Sherwin Williams.

And since I didn't spend any time in the garden today here's a picture of last years marigolds, which turned out quite pretty.