
Backyard Rehab!

Our backyard went from this to this! We think it looks so much better now, most of the wood etc,. went to a friends burn pile and the rest of the "stuff" went to the junk yard Now we have a neat construction pile against the shed and my old garden space is now planted with three types of bush beans, two green bean varieties, and one yellow wax bean. NOTE that pile of boxes by the trailer is NOT there as of an hour ago! It's gone I tell you it's ALL GONE!!!

Garden's In!

Well after spending all day yesterday scrubbing the laundry room from top to bottom (it flooded this past along with everything else) I was finally able to get the remainder of the south and east gardens in tonight, before it begins raining again. A good portion of my cucumbers didn't come up so I planted watermelons a small fruit variety type that matures in 73 days or less. So come August I should have some ripe melons hopefully.

So the only thing that is left to tackle is the north garden, but the junk pile needs to be removed. First we need to find a source of clean fill dirt and then haul the remaining horse manure to the site and get it "composting".

Leaf Pile

I'm too tired to walk out and photograph the leaf pile now, it's been a LONGGGGG day shoveling etc., but here's what it looks like to scale of the truck. Tomorrow, if it's dry enough, we will shred it and incorporate it into the compost pile. Rumor has it it's going to rain here again. John and I moved the pile from the back yard to the drive way and spred it out to dry up some.