
More Bins

WIP Bins. Charcoal and conte on watercolor paper.

The past two months here have been short of horrific when it comes to the digital world.  My website is still down, have no idea why it's experiencing a 503 error, and the internet here at the house has been sketchy at best.

But, today we gave up after trying to do another firmware update on the older modem and two hours later we finally decided it was time for a new modem.  Nirvana!  Internet Bliss!!!

Have a good one!

Figures in Motion

Figure in motion, charcoal on gesso'd watercolor paper.

Figure No. 2 in motion.  Figure No. 1 slightly gesso'd out and then No. 2 added on top of the wet gesso.

Figure No. 3, done same as No. 2.  I may have enough space to add another figure.  Taken from Muybridge's photo series of back side shots of a nude male throwing a ball.


I finally have my easel adjusted to a height that is comfortable for drawing, and this was no small feat because every adjustment required me to sketch to see if the height was correct or not.

I'm also using my drawing table for what I intended it to be used for, drawing.

Experimenting with a variety of charcoals and pastels.

I have a new affliction, it's called charcoal!

Pumpkin Season has Arrived

Typically I buy quite a variety of pumpkins and squash each year, this year I decided to buy a bunch of fake pumpkins and squash.  I'm still looking for a really large fake pumpkin that looks "authentic".
Why would I buy fakes instead of real ones?


I'm setting up a still life in my studio for painting, drawing, etc., and the real ones don't last into March, about the time when I'll be designing  collections for next Fall.

I have a ton of  photos for color and texture references (taken at a local pumpkin farm), but there's nothing as nice as working from a real 3D object.

And don't worry my designs won't look anything like these in the photos, they are just a starting point to work from.

Now to find a decent looking fake pomegranate and all will be well in the world of studio props.

The Drawing Table

The drawing table is finally in front of the coveted window!!!

Next up is repairing my drafting table chair, which should happen sometime tonight.  Calligraphy tools found, cart stocked with ink at the ready.  It's time to create!

In the meantime I'm still shoveling stuff out of my studio work space and will continue to sort, purge, and pitch stuff that no longer serves me.  I will be hosting a huge online sale here and soon, I thought that was going to happen last week and boy did I ever miss the mark on that one!

Two Red Pears

Two fresh red pears 

I asked for three but it's the end of the fresh pear season here so I'm doing good to have gotten two!

These are not as red as the Barletts I had earlier in the season, these are rudier and are more in keeping with Pantones color for 2015 "Marsala".  I also am quite enamored with the greenish blush on the large pear and the stripes on the smaller pear.

Since I have only two pears my original idea is well, will no longer work.  So I'm playing with these to see how I want to use them in my work.  Next up some thumbnail sketches and I think I will slice one open it could get interesting!

Drawing Etc

I'm on a drawing jag again, you'll probably be able to catch glimpses of this over on my studio blog as this has nothing to do with natural dyeing or surface design which I prefer to keep on this blog.

I'm planning on embroidering my flowers, again catch my other blog for details.

Without cable there's not a whole lot on TV to watch, can't wait until next Friday when Men in Trees and Pushing up Daisies will be on again!