
Day Four - Evening Four of Oliver's Adventure!

The difference between tonights dinner, for us, and four days ago is 180 degrees!  Four nights ago we had to crate him because of his surfing, tonight he laid on the floor in the kitchen next to us, and Angel, while we ate.  He got up once to give me that look like I'm really cute and you want to feed me right?  Well actually NO! 

He has spent most of today out of his crate and this I definately call success.  He likes his crate enough that he goes in there when he wants to rest, also a success!

We're still having issues with chasing the cats.  I hope that this will work itself out and soon too.  I had a confab with Pepper, our oldest orange tabby, telling him that if he quits running from the grey ghost then it's no longer fun and the ghost will stop chasing him!  Thomas is holding his own and Oliver remembers those claws!

Oliver Day One

Day One: John is in charge of the scary stuff (edited for those with sensitive ears and eyes) Right now Oliver is wandering the house and getting to know his space, actually he's been doing this since about 8:30ish pm. John decided I was being too protective. No collars, no leashes, just pure puppy inquisitiveness that landed me a couple of sessions of pure puppy exhaustion on the sofa. Here's to an even better day tomorrow!

John also took me to the local pet store that has a trainer for me to discuss all of my issues and fears, for day one - this is my first time ever having a puppy even if he DOES weigh 75 pounds.  I now have some new moves to use on Oliver it's one thing reading about the mommy correction pull and another learning how to actually use the mommy correction pull, they met him and LOVED him, and once his training collar was adjusted everything was so much better for the two of us!

Glenn Beck and Tomorrow is Pay Day!!!

Making my list and checking it twice and any corp that has pulled it's ads from Glenn Beck will NOT get my dollars tomorrow - which is payday! For those of you who believe in FREEDOM of SPEECH, whether you agree with Glenn or not I ask that you do the same thing!

To make this canning related I will be picking up canning supplies tomorrow and won't be buying from three local stores due to their support of the ad bans.