Locks — Archives — Kimberly Baxter Packwood


Logwood dyed Jacob Fleece

Two different colors here Above: a grape color using logwood purple. Below: Dark Violet using logwood purple, the bottom fleece is the black AND the white areas of the fleece dyed and bundled together. It would be TOO much work to seperate out the black from the white in the fleece below, it would make a wonderfully mottled or varigated yarn. Available in my Etsy Boutique

Lock lenght is approximately 3 - 3.5 inches.

There are probably some double cuts left in this fleece, there shouldn't be much though I think the person doing the shearing might have been tired by the time he got to this ram, number 30 in the flock. There is also vegetable matter in this fleece which will come out during the carding process. Available in my Etsy Boutique

I've kept a portion of this fleece for myself and have carded it up already on my drum carder it is divine!

New Wool and Silk Batts

I posted some new batts to my etsy.com store tonight, here's a group photo that turned out quite nice. I didn't get far I have morels on the brain again!!! I have a lot of blues, reds, and yellows with green, not sure why they didn't get photographed tonight - but there is always tomorrow!

I hand dyed the fibers myself, the batts are a blend of merino, lincoln locks, some romney, silk bombyx, and angelina fibers. These will be wonderful for spinning or needle felting.

I have an progress felted piece called Moss on my art blog, I needlefelted it with the Janome Expression and am now hand stitching the surface.