I'm already noticing a huge difference the draft isn't there anymore and this window is caulked, mortited, etc... I can still feel a draft coming in under where the panel doesn't overlap the window sill, gotta fix that today! The fabric panel is some heavy Kona Cotton fabric that I painted with fabric paints and shiva paintstiks. This piece of art cloth is actually unfinished and quite frankly it won't be finished until next summer, it's too cold to care about what it looks like right now.
I'm already noticing a huge difference the draft isn't there anymore and this window is caulked, mortited, etc... I can still feel a draft coming in under where the panel doesn't overlap the window sill, gotta fix that today! The fabric panel is some heavy Kona Cotton fabric that I painted with fabric paints and shiva paintstiks. This piece of art cloth is actually unfinished and quite frankly it won't be finished until next summer, it's too cold to care about what it looks like right now.