Now I just need to rake the garden and plant oats, a green manure, and then till it up again in about three weeks. This garden will have cucumbers, two types of picklers, cabbages, brussel sprouts, mustard greens and kale.
Cut one peeled cucumber into quarters and slice thin. Add sliced/minced onion. Mix together with one eight cup of red wine vinegar. Season with salt and pepper mix well and enjoy!
Process for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath and your done! Consult the Ball Blue Book for more specific directions.
The color of the pickles changes from bright green to that cooked pickle look with which we are all familiar.
The boiling spice solution is then mixed in with the newly drained and rinsed cukes and onions and brought to a boil.
Spices are mixed together with sugar and vinegar and brought to a boil.
You start with some pickling cukes, and a whole lotta onions, they are soaked in some pickling salt for awhile to draw the water out of the fruit.
Dh helped me put together three batches of Bread and Butter Pickles tonight. I do the pickle making around here, as everyone loves the way they taste ;-) Here's some pic's of how it all went together.