Studio Rehab — Kimberly Baxter Packwood

Studio Rehab

Oliver, my studio assistant.

Well now that the solo show has been hung, and a few items cleared off of my desk it is time to take the studio completely apart (remember I started doing this at the beginning of the year) and rearrange stuff so that it works better for me now.

I'm tired of the piles of stuff laying about, and as I was looking for some tools this afternoon, I came across several drawers in my storage chests that are essentially empty.  Why they are empty is beyond me but this must be rectified and soon.  I shall be going for better flow in my space and adding two additional work stations while also removing two incredibly huge shelves from my work area.

More later and with photos... rumor has it I'll have a formal dining room again once I get this mess taken care of, and that would be a good thing!