I heat set and washed the piece of fabric I have been working on, see previous posts about Shiva Paintstiks. I had sprayed them with the Adirondak Inks, by Ranger Inks. The bottle says it can be applied to fabric, just heatset and cure. Well the reds and yellows work fine, they do tend to crock off a bit. The greens however leave something to be desired, most of it either crocked or washed off after heatsetting. The color called "lettuce" is the worst of the bunch. I will be contacting Ranger Inks tomorrow to see what it is I'm doing wrong, if anything.
This is really too bad because I really liked the color of the fabric, see previous posts. Now it's almost washed out blah. I'll post a pic tomorrow, along with the Payne's Grey fabric.
This is really too bad because I really liked the color of the fabric, see previous posts. Now it's almost washed out blah. I'll post a pic tomorrow, along with the Payne's Grey fabric.