
Philips Dream Station Issues

So sometime in the past month the humidifier door/latch on my apap machine decided it would no longer stay shut. I looked on the internet for solutions and found nothing.

I’ve been in contact with the medical appliance dealer twice and yesterday they suggested putting a quarter into the slot behind the humidifier door latch. Well that lasted all of five seconds and the door sprung open again.

I tried duct tape, etc., nothing worked. Last night John decided to mess with the unit and he came up with this solution, a key chain fob. Yep, a key chain fob. It’s one of those rubbery ones, the kind you’d get when you buy a new car at the dealership, well at least back in the old days.

Regardless it worked and I’m a happy camper once again. I actually got a full nights sleep last night. I’ll have to come up with another work around since I have three cats who are fascinated with the metal ring on the fob. Until then… happy dreams.