
It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I last posted, and as I sit here looking out my window I'm thinking... it's time to go on an adventure! It's time to take some videos, do a live stream again, and just kick back and enjoy nature.

Above I'm learning how to do wire wraps and weaving, I'm practicing with glass beads, the kind you stick in a vase with flowers, I think these are called pebbles because they are flat on one side only.

New iPhone


Finally bought a new iPhone, it's the 12 Pro. Still getting to know my new phone, it's quite the upgrade from an iPhone 5.

Ordered a selfie stick/tripod, once it arrives I'll be going on lots of adventures with my new phone and my new car... oh yeah did I mention my husband bought me a car for our 20th anniversary back in March? Yes he did, he's a good man, and I love him so.

Onward, let the videos and photos commence!