Trying Out an Idea


This is half of one of John's old tee shirts, slowly I've been cutting it up and using the parts as rags in my studio. I found this last remaining bit while looking for something else and decided that it would be interesting attached to a canvas. 

It doesn't work this way, however, I may cut it up some more and go from there, I'm enamored with the pocket and the collar. I'm now entertaining one of his flannel shirts, and a very old pair of his blue jeans that he gave me for projects like this one...

How does this work with The Land Use Project? I don't know yet, when I see these elements I'm reminded of the farmers and ranchers that developed the land out here on the Prairie and Plains. They often wore their work clothes until they were only good enough to use as a rag... ditto my dad who was a coal miner, I remember mending his bib overalls multiple times growing up to the point I'd tell him there's no fixing these anymore.

It might be time to hit a thrift store and see what I can find for this project.