I have much to be grateful for, first and foremost for a Loving and Merciful God because trust me I need that Grace and typically more than once a day! Secondly for a husband who loves me and supports me in my crazy pursuit of creativity!
This is an early Christmas present, I'll be picking up my regulator, the hose for the torch, and the flashback suppressor tomorrow, now I can anneal copper and silver to my hearts content!
One of the things I put in the Patrons Tier options was for some studio bling... and yeah I mentioned the possibility of a tee shirt, hoodie, or a ball cap, but I got to thinking about what "BLING" really means to me. So in the coming months, if you're a paid patron, you'll get to watch me make some "bling" that involves copper and/or sterling silver. As my skill level progresses I hope to send some of that bling on to my patrons.
I'm also now sketching out designs that will utilize tooled leather, silver/copper, into my earth pigment painted fabric pieces. I've been working with brain tanned deer hides for over a decade now and have wanted to branch out into tooled leather and that is now happening.