
Tomatoes, etc

Woke up in horrible pain this morning, my right rotar cuff decided it to let me know that it wasn't happy with me, apparently spending the entire day in a car driving across the state and back is not a nice thing to do to one's bum shoulder.

So to work the knots out I mowed the yard, transplanted some perinneal's and planted them under the cherry tree, planted 33 tomato plants, cleaned off the driveway in anticipation of having a yard sale, pruned a whole bunch of trees out of the yard, and pulled gobs of weeds.

It worked I know longer feel my shoulder because my knees are hurting worse than my shoulder was.

If it doesn't rain here tonight then tomorrow I will run a couple of natural dye baths, madder root, out of doors, and plant the rest of my garden goodies which is mainly cucumers and cabbages at this point in the game.

About Selling Natural Dyes

Seems that there is some confusion or maybe some outright shit stirring (some folks just can't seem to help themselves) I'm not quite sure... but FYI I quit selling Natural Dyes, etc., two years ago.

About two years ago I simply grew tired of filling little bottles with natural dye materials, labeling them, shipping them out and making zero profit! Couple that with the fact that the sole North American supplier of Natural Dyes, Roger at Alliance Imports, passed away unexpectedly in March of 2006, the source for natural dyes dried up. For a moment we considered expanding and getting into the import export business. After much thought I decided to take this as a cue and exhausted from filling jars and trying to dye fabric at the same time, I bowed out of the industry.

So where are the Natural Dyes??? Try Google it's your friend!
