Potential Possibles Bag

Here's an in progress bag (possibles bag), I have visions of embellishing this baby, or it may just end up being my proto-type as I was unable to find a pattern. The bag measures about 10" w x 7.5" tall by 2" deep. It was a bear to sew this on my machine, I'll be bringing dad's old gear driven Singer into the house - it's in the garage right now - it's designed to sew leather. Both of my Janomes need to go into the shop, the 6500 has decided to stop working all together now - not good.

I made this late last night, instead of sleeping, so it does look a little wonky today. The fringe needs to be wetted out and twisted so it has that softer look, and I still haven't decided on the strap. It's a commercially tanned elk hide(buck skin?), has that smooth suede feeling on both sides. The next piece will be from brain tanned buck skin - much easier to work with.