I finally figured out why my picture would not upload, I had saved the pics in a CMYK format instead of RGBY or whatever it is. I can't remember right now and don't want to take the time to open photoshop again to fin out. But I did discover that the format of the picture would help, some what.
I"m off to nurse a sinus headache now, I think it's from being in front of the computer too much today. I did get another bobbin of yarn spun up though, I'll have to take pics. I have about a half pound of the orange cotsworth silk noil blend left to spin. One half pound yeilds about three bobbins worth, so I should end up with six bobbins. I'm planning on a two ply yarn when all is said and done. I'm hoping to knit it up into a shawl for myself.
I"m off to nurse a sinus headache now, I think it's from being in front of the computer too much today. I did get another bobbin of yarn spun up though, I'll have to take pics. I have about a half pound of the orange cotsworth silk noil blend left to spin. One half pound yeilds about three bobbins worth, so I should end up with six bobbins. I'm planning on a two ply yarn when all is said and done. I'm hoping to knit it up into a shawl for myself.