New Store Front?

Well it looks as if The Prairie Fibers Company will finally have a place to call home - that's not living in my home! I'm hoping we will be open in about two to three weeks, I may have to live a week without a bathroom, good thing the gas station is catty cornered across the street from me huh. Aside from more lights, furnace and a bathroom, and a serious cleaning it's move in ready.

The back half where the classes will be held needs to be finished but that's minor, mainly hte ceiling which is way the heck up there, needs to be painted, the tin ceiling has been stripped and primed already.

The store has lighting, but it desperately needs more. So I will be going shopping for lights here real quick like. Good thing my hubby is handy with this sort of thing. The woman won't rent the entire building out to me, she will only rent half of it, if I want the whole building I will need to buy the building. So buy the building I will.

My friend Brenda Backman went with me, she was pretty helpful in looking the place over, sometimes it's really hard to do this when your also trying to talk to the owner. I have so much work to do to get ready for move in it's unbelievable. I'm still questioning my sanity.

More later.