
From Sketch to Stitch

My Aurifil thread color palette for my latest series "Field Notes"

Field Notes was born out of several loves, passions of mine:

The love of the prairie.
The love of crops as they rise out of the ground each year.
The love of the symmetry and simplicity of how the fields themselves are arranged in the countryside.

Field Notes in progress on my table.

Some color studies.

Watercolor crayons, water soluble oil pastels, and water soluble graphite on sketchbook paper.

Mark Making with Nature eBook Set MEGA SALE!!!

Black Friday thru Cyber Monday MEGA Sale

Titles Include:
  • Mark Making with Nature
  • Rust and Clay Dyeing
  • Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing Techniques
  • Getting Started with Natural Dyeing 
That 's 172 pages of how-to dye, paint, and print with natural dyes for $3.95!  Own them today!

Gelatine Plate Printing with Natural Dyes

This is from several years ago, I have a geliplate my best friend Brenda got me for xmas last year that I really, really need to use! I'm thinking some earth pigments and my Black Birds in Tree stencil onto fabric for starters.  The plate in the above photo I made myself, here I'm using lace and trims as resists for the print which I made onto fabric.

Cotton fabric, that I do believe I compost dyed, osage orange on the gelatin plate with some lace trims gave a nice resist pattern.  After curing and washing the osage orange color is about 30% of it's orignal brightness on cotton fabric.  Now to find this piece of fabric in my stash and audition some threads for stitching.

Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing Techniques eBook

If you purchased a copy of my eBook "Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing Techniques" last year through Kindle and it is corrupted please let me know and I will send you a replacement copy!

This eBook is Currently ON SALE
for $3.99

WIP - Nocturne Series

I like this one way better than the first one to the point that I'm ready to start layering more color, texture, etc., on the first one I started. 

Birds in Tree stencil, watercolor, tsukineko ink, pitt pen, copic marker.

Went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some lino boards to carve, I have several sheets of this in my wet studio that I cannot find for the life of me! 

I have one of these floating around my studio as well, this one is slightly larger text size than the one I have and the price was low enough that I purchased a second font plate...

An Old English font.

Somewhere in my wet studio I have gobs of print blocks I've carved, it's time to go on a treasure hunt!

WIP - Crow Tree

Now in the auditioning stage.  Digitally printed silk organza fabric layered on top of painted timtex.

The digital print laying on top of some rosin paper, that I have covering my sewing table.

Digital silk print layered on top of a cotton digital print.  I'm experimenting with the ethereal values of the prints at this point to see which direction I want this piece to go.

My Creative Process: Decisions, Decisions

A few blocks of digitally printed silk organza layered over the digital image.

Medium value of indigo dyed silk organza net.

A very light value of indigo dyed silk organza net. 

I haven't made a final decision yet on the ove rall directioni of the piece.  I have, however, toyed with the idea of playing off the Queen Anne's Lace that's part of the digital collage.